
PB Party Today!

#PBParty is TODAY! Check out http:// ucing-picture-book-party.html?m=1 … for all the details! (There is still time to get your entry ready!) BIG Thanks to @MindyAlyseWeiss & @Michelle4Laughs for creating such an amazing event!

Picture Books: One Month at a Time

June was a hectic month. 12X12 is the best for keeping me motivated and striving to work on at least one picture book a month. Now it's July and still trying to finalize the June book and get July started. One story at a time...but it just keeps on kicking.

12x12 and Tacos

So this year for the first time, I am doing 12x12. It has been phenomenal. Every month I do at least one picture book and the critiques and feedback are so worth it. My local group here in Houston is also amazing. My little story about eating a taco for the first time is in its final stage and will be subbing it to agents this week. #wishmeluck Hugs, Sloane

Moving Toward Goals

It's wonderful to be living my dream of writing for children. Three manuscripts sent out to agents over the last month. Keeping my fingers crossed for positive things. Welcome to my new blog where I will chronicle my progress and let you know how it goes. Hugs, Sloane